Company History

Teijin’s Carbon Fiber Business Unit has a long, successful history going back to 1934 and the manufacture of synthetic fibers.
Teijin, Carbon Fiber Business
2018 -
Teijin Limited integrates carbon fiber subsidiary Toho Tenax..
2014 -
Taiwan office opened.
2013 -
Toho Tenax Singapore Pte. Ltd. opened.
2008 -
Sakura line completed at Mishima plant.
2007 -
Toho Tenax becomes a wholly owned subsidiary of Teijin Limited via stock swap.
2006 -
Change of carbon fiber brand name from Besfight to Tenax.
2005 -
Company logo changed, and names of subsidiaries changed to Toho Tenax Europe GmbH and Toho Tenax America, Inc.
2004 -
Acquisition of Fortafil Fibers and creation of product base in America.
2003 -
Shanghai office opened.
2001 -
Company name changed to Toho Tenax.
2000 -
Teijin Ltd. becomes majority shareholder and therefore parent corporation.
1993 -
Toho Carbon Fibers established in the U.S.
1993 -
Tenax Fibers established in Germany.
1977 -
Manufacture of prepreg begins.
1975 -
Final decision to enter carbon fiber business. Sale of Besfight® begin. First mass-production line for Pyromex™ flame-resistant fiber completed at Mishima plant.
1972 -
Carbon fiber pilot plant operation begins.
1969 -
Research into carbon fiber begins.
1963 -
Operations begin at Mishima plant (acrylic fiber production).
1952 -
Ibigawa plant constructed.
1950 -
Toho Rayon Co., Ltd. established in compliance with Japan’s Antitrust Law and Corporate Reorganization Law.
1935 -
Tokushima plant opened, production of rayon staple begins.
1934 -
Toho Synthetic Fiber Co., Ltd. established.
Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH
2018 -
Change of company name to Teijin Carbon Europe GmbH.
2011 -
July 2011: Toho Tenax Europe GmbH receives EN 9100 certification.
2010 -
October 2010: Full-fledged operation of carbon fiber production line #4 in Oberbruch.
2009 -
August 2009: Completion of line #4.
2009 -
Toho Tenax Europe receives lab certification from Germanischer Lloyd.
2008 -
April 23, 2008: The foundation stone is laid for production line #4.
2008 -
April 1, 2008: Introduction of a worldwide unified nomenclature and lot number system for all filament yarns within Toho Tenax Group.
2007 -
September 2007: Toho Tenax becomes a 100% subsidiary of Teijin Limited.
2006 -
August 2006: Start-up of production line #3.
2006 -
January 2006: Tenax™ becomes the worldwide unified trade name for Toho Tenax Group carbon fiber.
2005 -
April 1, 2005: Change of company name to Toho Tenax Europe GmbH.
2004 -
August 31, 2004: Acquisition of carbon fiber business in the United States.
2001 -
July 2001: Toho Rayon Co., Ltd., changes its name to Teijin Carbon Co., Ltd.
2000 -
March 1, 2000: 100% Toho Rayon (Japan).
2000 -
February 2000: Teijin Ltd. acquires more than 50% of shares in Toho Rayon Ltd.
1999 -
Increase of company percentage Toho Rayon (95%), Acordis (5%)
Start-up of production on line #2, Oberbruch (Germany).
Increase of company percentage Toho Rayon (80%), Akzo Nobel (20%).
Tenax Fibers is certified according to ISO 9001.
Joint venture between Toho Rayon and Akzo Nobel resulting in the foundation of Tenax Fibers GmbH & Co. KG.
Start-up of a development production line.
1987 -
First aerospace qualification for Tenax™ carbon fiber.
1986 -
Start-up of first production line in Germany.
1983 -
Toho Rayon (today’s Teijin Limited, Japan) licenses carbon fiber manufacturing technology to Enka AG (later Akzo Nobel AG and Acordis AG).
Teijin Carbon America, Inc.
2018 -
Change of company name to Teijin Carbon America GmbH.
2005 -
Toho Tenax America, Inc. is established.
2004 -
Toho Carbon Fibers, Inc acquires Fortafil* Fibers, Inc, Rockwood, TN from Acordis, thereby securing a production base in North America.
1993 -
Toho Rayon forms Toho Carbon Fibers, Inc to directly market carbon fiber in North America.
1992 -
BASF exits carbon fiber business.
1985 -
Celanese sells carbon fiber operations to BASF.
1981 -
Carbon fiber manufacturing starts in Rock Hill, SC.
1976 -
Toho Rayon forms technical and sales collaboration with Celanese Corporation in North America.