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Filament Yarn

Tenax™ Filament Yarn is a high-performance carbon fiber product that significantly enhances and strengthens the properties of thermoset and thermoplastic composites. This includes products made for aerospace, automotive and several industrial applications. With a high tensile strength and tensile modulus, Tenax™ Filament Yarn is ideally suited for many processes, such as prepregging, filament winding, pultrusion, weaving and braiding. The yarn is available in qualities ranging from 67 to 3,200 tex or 1,000 to 48,000 filaments. 

The benefits of carbon fiber sizing

The application of a thin coating to the surface, known as fiber sizing, protects Tenax™ Filament Yarn during handling, processing, compounding, and composite processing, while improving wet-out. A wide range of available sizings make Tenax™ Filament Yarn fully compatible with thermoset matrix systems, including epoxy, polyurethane and vinylester. Teijin also offers products with tailored thermoplastic sizing compatible with thermoplastic matrix systems, such as PEEK, PEI and PA.

Tensile properties

Tensile Strength (MPa)
Tensile Modulus (GPa)
Standard Modulus
Intermediate Modulus
High Modulus

Properties of TenaxTM Filament Yarn

Please choose

Please choose
Grade Filament count Yield Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus Elongation Density
tex MPa GPa % g/cm3
Standard Modulus
HTA40 1 000 67 4100 240 1.7 1.77
3 000 200
6 000 400
12 000 800
HTS40 3 000 200 4400 240 1.8 1.77
6 000 400
12 000 800
24 000 1600
HTS45 3 000 200 4500 245 1.8 1.76
12 000 800 240 1.9 1.77
STS40 24 000 (PU) 1600 4300 240 1.8 1.78
24 000 (EP) 1600 250 1.7 1.78
48 000 3200 250 1.7 1.77
UTS50 12 000 800 5100 245 2.1 1.78
24 000 1630
ITS50 24 000 1630 5100 265 1.9 1.80
ITS55 24 000 1600 5100 280 1.8 1.75
Intermediate Modulus
IMS40 3 000 170 4500 290 1.6 1.73
6 000 340
12 000 680
IMS60 6 000 210 5800 290 2.0 1.79
12 000 410
24 000 830
IMS65 24 000 830 6000 290 2.1 1.78
High Modulus
HMA35 12 000 760 3300 355 0.9 1.78
UMS40 12 000 390 4700 390 1.2 1.79
24 000 800
UMS45 12 000 385 4600 425 1.1 1.83
UMS55 12 000 360 4000 550 0.7 1.91


Our sales department is ready to assist with selecting the optimum type of Tenax™ Filament Yarn. The values given in this table are guide values, obtained under controlled conditions by Teijin. For component design, please request a specification through our sales department.

The export or shipment of carbon fibers may be subject to authorization, depending on the properties, final destination, and end use. Each exporter is responsible for observing the regulations in their country. Additional import/export regulations from other countries may also apply.

Product Data Sheet

Download Product Data Sheet . Filament Yarn (Europe)

Download Handling Recommendation . Filament Yarn

Cautions for purchasing Tenax™ Carbon Fiber

The carbon fiber filaments manufactured by Teijin Limited or its group companies (“Teijin”) are export-controlled item subject to the export control laws of the countries where the carbon fiber filaments manufacturing base are located as well as the export control laws of the country the carbon fiber filaments are sold from. The export controls are based on the agreements of the international export control regimes of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies as well as country specific laws and regulations.

Therefore, when exporting its carbon fiber filaments, Teijin complies with the export control laws of the countries where the manufacturing base is located, and sells only to the customers and end-users and for end-uses permitted by the export control authorities of the relevant countries. Teijin does not sell any carbon fiber filaments on E-commerce (EC) sites operated by other than Teijin.

Please note that Teijin is not responsible for any export violations, warranty claims, losses, or damages with regard to the carbon fiber filaments purchased through EC sites operated by other than Teijin or any sales or distribution not authorized by Teijin.

If you are interested in purchasing Teijin carbon fiber filaments, please contact Teijin Limited or its group companies nearby.

If you have any questions about this matter, please contact us.

Typical applications